Oh where one goes when it comes to the purposeless pursuits of the procrastinating mind. Well, in this case, especially where this scribe finds himself, it tends to be diving right into the endless researching possibilities out there when it… Continue Reading →
One would think that the second part of anything in life would naturally follow from the first part. But someone prone to such absurdities of logic may just as likely find themselves quietly sitting down contentedly looking forward in life… Continue Reading →
You might recall the line — “When you’ve got it, you’ve got it”. While not exactly ubiquitous it’s one of those quotes that’s probably had its share of iterations over the years. Whether familiar with it or not, today most… Continue Reading →
It’s hard not getting too revved up and eager to just want to hurry up and start one’s teaching career when listening to Trevor McKenzie speak passionately about teaching and learning through inquiry. By leading with genuine enthusiasm, for both… Continue Reading →
A sort of coming full circle for our class this week as we had an online chat with Jeff Hopkins from Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry, which connects back to the documentary film that began our course, “Most Likely… Continue Reading →
What best informs us understanding how the human mind works, or more applicably, how it doesn’t work, or works differently for different folks? When posing these questions, or even asking them of oneself, equal parts introspection and a distancing from… Continue Reading →
Learning Across the Lifespan “Learn from the past, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~ Albert Einstein Learner Becoming Teacher Becoming Learner How can reflecting on my years as an adolescent learner serve me best as I embark on this… Continue Reading →
Camping is a fun activity that involves the utilization of many tools to make it a good experience for all. Looking at education, with its aspects of learning, sharing, and enhancing the teaching experience, perhaps through the lens of a… Continue Reading →
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